Finally after several iterations Microsoft have developed a product that is being adopted globally and at the pace they have always been after. There has been a collision of the market moving their way and their product being an easy fit (well on the surface anyway).
Teams is great for collaboration, video and communication but what if you want to replace your phone system with it? What should you look out for and what elements should you look at keeping?
To keep it simple lets break it down into:
· Functionality
· Implementation
· Cost
The functionality when compared to many of the UC solutions or PBX systems on the market is limited. If your requirements are also quite basic then MS Teams may be all you need to satisfy your users. If however you have some more complex requirements then you have a few choices. You can add a UC platform on top: many of the UC providers have Teams integration and so you can make the experience quite seamless for users. This will give you large amounts of key functions but the cost does obviously rise.
You can also add in cloud SIP providers who can not only give you the calling out ability but also add in some cloud features like call recording which can be easy to implement and integrate. This is a cheaper option generally and can be quickly deployed.
If you do choose to stick with Teams on its own then the next part is critical.
Many organisations struggle with implementing their MS Teams environment to allow the calling functionality. Not only in plugging it in but also maintaining it and making sure all users are set up correctly initially and always.
There are multiple providers out there who can help you with this. Many offer their services depending on the size of the project and number of users.
Implementation and integration is not as straightforward as it first seems and so professional assistance can not only significantly reduce your time to go live but also save you a lot of money in the long run.
One of the significant reasons for mass adoption of MS Teams is the initial licence costs. If you are already a MS house then adding Teams on is easy and cost efficient.
The costs do mount up however when you introduce complexity and calling plans. You should shop around for cheaper calling plans as there are many in the market. There is a school of thought that says let your software provider provide the software and let your telecoms provider provide the telecoms. There is a logic to this, not only from a cost benefit but also from an expertise angle.
Whether you want SIP trunks or a UC solution to finally deliver the calls make sure that you look at the whole cost from end to end as all that glitters is not gold so you may be better off with an end to end PBX or UC system when all said and done.
We have access to multiple suppliers for all these elements so if you would like to know any more please get in touch at: